Juriconnexion, what else ?
Open association :
Juriconnexion is an association open to all persons (legal counsel, librarians, lawyers, notaries, central administration, banks, big companies, local authorities) using various electronic versions of legal information products in the course of their daily professional practice.Since 1988, Juriconnexion has entered into and actively pursued a constructive dialogue with producers, service providers and distributors. It represents the user’s view in discussions with the public authorities and plays an active role in the constitution of official legal databases. It works in conjunction with other associations and organisations with similar interests.
Independent association :
Juriconnexion is an initiative from different persons willing to take concrete actions based on their own experience and practical needs. It is also an initiative from persons independent from producers, service providers and distributors of legal information via electronic media.
- improve the quality of products and services offered thanks to consumer-oriented actions
- gather information on any new product and any development in existing databases to help users being more efficient
Activities :
- Information for members
constant information on the development of servers and the launching of new products, presentation of new products, publication of brochures from producers and publishers, dissemination of collected information by means of newsletters, commentary on new products
- ‘ Meeting with »
producers, service providers, distributors and suppliers to identify the full range of electronic products existing in specific domains (e.g. electronic products in tax law, legal websites etc.)
- Working groups
Juriformation, a working group focussing on the assessment of legal websites and online platforms and the training of legal database users.
- Annual conventions
Juriconnexion organises annual conventions that gather together professionals in order to identify new trends in electronic legal information :